Arkell Canoes through Algonquin Park

Adventure Location: Algonquin, Ontario

Canine Adventurer: Arkell

Algonquin, Outblog by The Great Outdogs @dogguide_arkell


Adventure Story

This summer we have taken advantage of camping! Arkell has been great on the canoe and loves going for hikes! Algonquin, Ontario Canada makes for the perfect mix of everything you will ever want as a camper. We spend one day on the water exploring different islands, and our second day we did a great hike to a lookout. So grateful for such an amazing adventure buddy to keep us company. 

Recommended Hike: Track and Tower Trail in Algonquin 

 Check out more of Arkell's exciting adventures @doguide_arkell
 Click here to learn how your adventure can be featured. 


Algonquin Park Canada Ontario Track and Tower Trail

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